5 Things to Know When Issuing ETFs for the First Time

5 Things to Know When Issuing ETFs for the First Time

August 2019

By Jeff McCarthy, John Jacobs, Jeremy Kross, Lia Koopman

In this video series, our ETF experts explain five things to consider when issuing ETFs for the first time.

Why more and more asset managers are entering the ETF Market.

Jeff McCarthy, Global Head of Exchange Traded Funds, explains why more and more asset managers are entering the ETF Market.

What asset managers should consider if they want to launch an ETF.

Jeff McCarthy, Global Head of Exchange Traded Funds, explains what should asset managers consider if they want to launch an ETF.

How technology is challenging the ETF industry.

John Jacobs, Principal, ETF Product Management, explains how is technology challenging the ETF industry.

What are some of the factors to consider when listing an ETF.

Jeremy Kross, Director of Business Development, explains what are some of the factors to consider when listing an ETF.

What fund managers should consider when choosing an ETF service provider.

Lia Koopman, Managing Director, explains what should fund managers consider when choosing an ETF service provider.

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